Media nutritionist, author and ‘food voyeur’, Fiona Kirk will be celebrating the launch of her forthcoming book, ‘So What The F*** Should I Eat?’ with a series of exclusive supper club events at Just St James Restaurant and Bar in Mayfair.

Renowned for her no-nonsense approach, Fiona will encourage her fellow diners to rebel against the current flood of confusing dietary and lifestyle advice and start enjoying the process of selecting and eating great food with renewed enthusiasm and understanding.

Each event will tackle different foodie subjects head on (see below) and offer plenty of workable nutritional advice, a healthy portion of entertainment and a delicious supper.

EAT IT, LIVE IT + LOVE IT! (May ’20)

Do you flirt with every new diet that hits the bookshelves or are you in a stable and loving relationship with food? Who’s in charge – you or the chocolate cake? For one night only, Fiona Kirk offers an insight into how affairs of the heart and affairs of the plate are inextricably linked and why they can be so hard to manage.


It is hardly breaking news that a healthy and efficient metabolism can boost fat burning but what’s the recipe for success? Fiona Kirk reveals some of the tried and tested strategies and exposes a few of the myths that add to our confusion.

THE STRESS OF SLEEP (September ’23)

At the end of a long day, most of us look forward to curling up in bed, getting a restful night’s sleep and waking up refreshed. But for many, bedtime can be a waking nightmare. Continued lack of sleep not only threatens our health defences but also hampers our ability to shed fat. What, when and how we eat and drink can play a vital role in rediscovering a healthy sleep pattern. Fiona Kirk discusses some of the invaluable tactics we can embrace that could be the answer to our restless nights.


Traditionally, Halloween was about lighting fires to keep evil spirits away and providing warmth and comfort as summer faded and winter approached but many of the foods associated with Halloween and Bonfire Night are exploding with vital nutrients that can play a big part in feeding our ardour and turning up the heat. Fiona Kirk is sure to stir your senses with warming cocktails, excite your taste buds with arousing foods and feed your fervour with intense flavours. And, some of her hot tips and entertaining tales may convince you that Halloween is not just for the kids!

Fiona explains, ‘We can cut through the confusion when we have a greater level of understanding, but we can only achieve fat loss and good health if we use that knowledge to distinguish between the advice that can really help long-term and the advice that merely offers a quick fix. The supper clubs are a great way to help educate people in a relaxed environment and in the context relevant to their everyday lifestyles.”

For tickets to each supper club event contact

About Fiona Kirk

Fiona has already established herself as a prominent commentator across national print and broadcast media generating a portfolio of influential press coverage and TV and Radio appearances. She is also a gifted speaker and her maverick approach appeals to audiences large and small where she shares her enthusiasm and offers workable advice on a host of diet and fitness subjects

Her training as a nutritional therapist at The Institute for Optimum Nutrition in London and her continuing nutritional education through CPD Courses (continuing professional development), extensive study of scientific papers, expert writings and personal case studies ensure that Fiona keeps up to date with current research allowing her to discuss and comment on the latest findings and the impact these might have on her readers and audiences regarding fat loss, improved fitness and general health.

Fiona’s passion for food lies not just in its nutritional qualities. She has always had a very close relationship with it! Her appreciation of the wonderful colours and flavours to be savoured began at an early age when her mother encouraged her to get involved in the shopping, cooking and presentation of many delicious dishes ranging from heart-warming homemade soups to velvety-smooth chocolate mousses and crumbly Scottish shortbread. Devouring cookery books and some experimental cooking followed before personal health concerns led her into studying the role and power of food as medicine.

Fiona’s new book, So What the F*** Should I Eat? (published in September) promises to tackle the weight loss game head on and provide the vital knowledge to put the reader firmly in charge of what and how to eat to lose fat and feel great. She believes wholeheartedly that good health and permanent fat loss can be achieved when we are armed with the facts. When her clients and audiences follow her ‘Good Food Choices + Physical Activity + A Little Knowledge + A Bucketful of Tips = Fat Burning and Fat Loss” programme, success is invariably round the corner.