If you’re entertaining over Coronation weekend spare yourself any extra effort and let a Dukeshill hamper do all the hard work.

Celebrate the upcoming Coronation Weekend in style with a Bank Holiday Banquet from the Home of Artisan Fine Foods – DukesHill
As a Royal Warrant Holder, DukesHill is marking the Coronation by offering a sumptuous special edition selection of new products, handpicked to mark this historic occasion.
Founded nearly forty years ago with a dedicated passion for delivering the finest traditionally cured hams to the nation’s tables – its award-winning hams are cured the “old-fashioned” way with a focus on flavour and texture.
Today, DukesHill produces and supplies an array of top-quality cured and fresh meats, smoked fish, artisan chocolates and cheeses, handmade puddings, luxury hampers and much more – whilst maintaining its founding principles of traditionally crafting fine foods, working in partnership with British farmers and championing artisan producers.
Luxury King’s Coronation Selection – £150
Pour yourself a glass of Mike Tindall and James Haskell’s award winning Blackeye Gin, paired with an
Artisan London Tonic and enjoy a luxury Coronation selection – celebrating the best of British produce with an artisan buffet featuring handmade pork pies, sausage rolls, traditionally cured meats, smoked fish, pork terrine and more.
The Luxury King’s Coronation Selection comprises: Pickle & Wensleydale Cheese Topped Pork Pie (120g), Stilton
Topped Pork Pie (120g), Cranberry Topped Pork Pie (120g), Caramelised Red Onion Topped Pork Pie (120g),
Spinach, Feta, & Mushroom Quiche (3 x 190g), Pork & Chorizo Sausage Rolls (3 x 180g), Creamy Vegetable
Pasties (3 x 160g), Coronation Potted Pork Terrine (900g), Sliced Oak Smoked Salmon (200g), Hollis Mead
Benville Brie (250g), Sliced Pastrami (175g), Sliced Porchetta (175g), Scottish Oatcakes (200g), Chocolate Tiffin
(500g), Laura’s Apple & Sultana Chutney (198g), Traditional Apple Cider (6 x 330ml), Blackeye Gin (75cl), Artisan
London Tonic (6 x 200ml).
Mini King’s Coronation Selection – £75
DukesHill caters for any party size – the Mini King’s Coronation Selection includes: Pickle & Wensleydale Cheese
Topped Pork Pie (120g), Stilton Topped Pork Pie (120g), Cranberry Topped Pork Pie (120g), Caramelised Red
Onion Topped Pork Pie (120g), Mini Quiche Lorraine (4 x 120g), Creamy Vegetable Pasty (3 x 160g), Cumberland
Scotch Eggs (2 eggs), Sliced Oak Smoked Salmon (200g), Isle Of Mull Cheddar (200g), Cracked Black Pepper
Crackers (100g), Fig Chutney (198g), Luxury Chocolate Brownie (195g), Tanners Cava Brut (75cl).
Honey and Truffle Golden Glazed Ham – Whole Ham (£120) or
Half Ham (£72)
Each ham comes with a FREE commemorative ham storage bag. The on-site master butchery team butcher the finest RSPCA assured British pork to DukesHill’s exacting standards. The company’s traditional Wiltshire Cure is then deployed – allowing the meat to spend almost a week maturing in the company’s own-recipe brine.
Unlike other curing processes, the expert team adds a touch of unrefined brown sugar to its brine recipe to add a subtle sweetness and balance alongside the salt levels, giving a mild, subtly sweet flavour. The ham is air dried for a further week to mature and remove excess moisture.
The next step is to steam cook the hams for 12 hours, allowing the fat to render and soften to provide a buttery texture. Once cooked the ham is inspected, hand-skinned and trimmed by DukesHill’s expert quality manager who has over 15 years of experience curing and preparing the finest hams.
A diamond cut pattern is delicately hand carved across the top of each ham, before coating it in a delectable mixed honey & truffle glaze. The hams are then finished off in a glazing oven and finally coated with a very special regal touch – with edible gold fine flakes for a celebratory finish. The resulting ham has a lovely mild flavour and a moist texture with a subtle sweet honey taste and hint of truffle.
King’s Coronation Celebration Hamper with FREE commemorative Coronation Ham Storage Bag – £250
DukesHIll is the master of a carefully curated hamper – mark this historic event in style with this luxurious gift
which includes:
16 items • 20″ Wicker Basket with Leather Straps;
2 x Baron de Beaupré Champagne, Celebration Coronation Ham (min 2.1kg), Free Coronation Ham Storage
Bag, Coronation Potted Pork Terrine (900g), Sliced Oak Smoked Salmon (200g), Sliced Gravadlax (200g),
Scottish Oatcakes (200g), Isle Of Mull Cheddar (200g), Hollis Mead Benville Brie (250g), Parmesan & Pistachio
Sablés (120g), Fig Chutney (198g), Onion Marmalade (227g), Handmade Scottish Shortbread (300g), Chocolate
Tiffin (500g), Chocolate Coated Orange Slices (140g).
DukesHill cure their famous pork for three days using its sweet cure and added His Majesty King Charles’ favourite whisky. The meat is then lovingly cooked low and slow for fifteen hours. The resulting texture is moist and tender with a distinctly smoky flavour which pairs exceptionally well with a Laphroaig 10-year old. Simply reheat in the oven, and then tease it apart with two forks for a delicious and versatile meal in minutes.
A refined addition to any picnic, buffet or feast – this Coronation Pork Terrine combines the ham hock and premium pork collar through DukesHill’s traditional Wiltshire cure process, it is slow-cooked for 12-hours to ensure the premium pork is tender and moist. The tender pork is hand-pulled and combined with onions, carrots, black pepper, a dash of brandy and DukesHill’s Coronation Sauce to deliver an additional fruity and sweet, lightly curried sauce. The combination is then allowed to cool and set. Best eaten at room temperature.
Prepare for the big day by breakfasting like Royalty, with DukesHill’s delicious artisan-made breakfast. The luxurious box includes a selection of wholesome delights, featuring dairy products from the award-winning family-run organic dairy farm, Hollis Mead.
Wholesome Breakfast Box with Tea:
7 Items – NEW Hollis Mead Greek Style Yoghurt (300g), Hollis
Mead Organic Butter (200g), Wholegrain Pancakes (240g), Lemon
& Poppyseed Pancakes (240g), Seville Orange Marmalade (227g), Strawberry Jam (227g), Sliced Oak Smoked
Salmon (200g), 2nd Flush Darjeeling Tea Pyramids (x15)
The full DukesHill King’s Coronation range is available at: www.dukeshillham.co.uk
Please click here for an advance preview of the DukesHill special edition King’s Coronation brochure 2023