Pale Green Dot, pioneers in supplying sustainably-produced fresh produce to our doorsteps, has added a box of venison to its home delivery options. 

This is a direct response to the environmental challenge that a growth in the wild deer population in the UK has presented.

This delicious and nutritious wild meat has seen a huge decline in consumption since lockdown.  Sales of venison are down 80% following the closure of restaurants, and if deer numbers are not controlled populations could rise by as much as 30% each year.

Wild deer numbers have already multiplied rapidly and their food supply is being decimated. 

Deer culling helps to maintain the welfare of the herds and other species, and vitally protects crops, and woodlands which can be destroyed by deer herds.

Pale Green Dot, working alongside British farmer, stalker and environmentalist Dave Seale, is now offering a Venison Swap Box, a perfect alternative to one of their excellent value meat boxes, and a great addition to their seasonal vegetable, fruit, and staples boxes.

The box includes 500 g of mince, 500g of diced haunch and 650g of sausages, priced at £22.50 per box.  There are recipes from Dave Seale – who is Head of Growing at Pale Green Dot, and an avid deer stalker  – in each box, using other local and seasonal ingredients to make delicious, warming dishes.

Pale Green Dot currently delivers to London, Surrey, Sussex, and West Kent, and some other locations just outside the M25.

Orders can be made via this link –  Venison Swap Box – Pale Green Dot

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