Northwest Passage Expedition Gin is a craft gin created by a team of adventurers to raise awareness of ocean conservation and to help fund their row of the Northwest Passage.
The Northwest Passage Expedition Gin is flavoured with botanicals from the shores of Orkney and the Hudson Bay in Canada. The unique flavours are drawn from Sugar Kelp, Angelica Archangelica, Ramanas Rose and Burnet Rose.
The Angelica root adds a hint of sweetness that is balanced by a subtle, floral note from the roses. The addition of lemon peel and calamondin brings the bright, citrus notes to the gin and the sugar kelp adds a mild saltiness to the palette, connecting the spirit to the sea.
The Northwest passage team will be crossing the 2300m Arctic route, drawing attention to the drastically changing arctic environment.
In support of The Big Blue Ocean Cleanup, the team will be collecting vital data for future research.
Available to purchase online from the Northwest Passage Gin website RRP of £39.95 per 70cl bottle.