Taste Tripper packs are new food and drink guides that offer you recommendations of some of the best coffee shops, chocolatiers and craft beer sellers in London. However, be warned, although the pack offers you a specially-arranged treat to taste in each shop, shops that have more than one shop will only offer you the treats in a few of their stores so check before you plan your route.

We tried the chocolate package, which includes some very exciting partners, such as award winning chocolatier Paul A Young, chocolate institution Charbonnel et Walker, and chocolate revolutionaries Mast Brothers.

Opening our map, we headed to Hotel Chocolat to try what they had to offer, which included a dark chocolate button, a creamy hot chocolate and bean.

It was nice to try a selection of what they had on offer. Sadly, due to the locations of the shops where the offers are available, we were only able to visit one of the shops on the list.

Jennifer Earle, who founded the Chocolate Ecstasy Tours, started Taste Tripper when she realised that some of the customers on her tour would rather take more time, and experience each location and their own pace.

By purchasing a Taste Tripper, you are giving someone the opportunity to tour around some of the best chocolate shops in London, taking in and sampling what they have to offer. 

As well as the sample vouchers and a map of where to visit in London, the guide also includes tasting notes, insider secrets, offers and tips.

You can pick up a Taste Tripper pack, whether your passion is chocolate, coffee, or beer, for £18 for one person or £30 for two. I would recommend you go for the two-person version as, it is definitely more fun when you do experience it with another person.

Taste Tripper packs, which could make a great Christmas present for anyone looking, are available from www.tastetripper.com.