Bring it on home with the highest quality ingredients from as little as £5.50 per person

The pandemic lockdowns had little to recommend them, except perhaps the fact that we all came to appreciate cooking at home a lot more..

Meal kit deliveries became quite a thing, in fact for many restaurants they became a financial lifeline. Results varied though.

Chefs For Foodies saw a way to support chefs who had closed restaurants, while at the same time offering a better, more dependable meal kit experience for the public.

And this being BBQ season, they’ve teamed up with the Rolls Royce of BBQ kit Landmann to create 11 dedicated BBQ boxes.

Each of their recipe boxes is chef-curated, but you’re not left to it. Sure you can follow the recipe ( found online via QR code) if you’re confident, but you can also book a live interactive class or simply call up a tutorial video.

And if you’re a subscriber you can get extras such as a digital journal and weekly newsletter offering subscriber benefits such as brand discounts and offers.

Their website offers a vast selection of genres – pizza, past, meat, fish, vegan, vegetarian and desserts. They have also entered into a partnership with Quorn, with chef created recipes from Dipna Anand and pizza expert Ricardo Arias.

So we picked one to try, Flat Iron Steak, Corn On The Cob & Hasselback Potatoes with the steak by C. Lidgate who are, if you don’t already know, one of the finest butchers in the country.

Ordering is simple, there’s even 20% off in this opening period, and your delivery day is chosen by you.

Ours arrived bang on time and in a surprisingly large box, but this we soon found was down to all the freezer blocks inside. If you did happen to be out when your delivery turned up, the perishables should be safe for quite a few hours.

The QR code on the box spoke of  ‘slaw, but this was not on the website and was not in the box.

It is perhaps the simplest of all the BBQ boxes, it’s no Yuan Chicken & Grilled Potato Kushiyaki with Mentaiko Mayo by Chef Aman, owner of yakitori JunSei, for example.

We had our own idea on how to cook it, and just as well as, to be honest, the recipe given was rather confusing, but we did our best to follow it for the sake of review. Not helping were frequent thundery downpours which put our timing out by a fair bit.

Anyway the outcome was superb steak, extremely good sweetcorn and the Hasselback potatoes with cheese, which were a bit on the mean size for quantity, came out well.

This probably wasn’t the best of test choices. It’s not beyond most people’s skill set to buy a steak, sweetcorn and potatoes and then BBQ them, but I seriously doubt you’d find steak this good at your local butcher (even if you have such a thing).

And it is more than a simple delivery service, it’s a whole foodie ecosystem.

We’ve never had such a bewildering variety of cook at home boxes to choose from as we have post-pandemic, but Chefs For Foodies have created something that’s been carefully considered from the ground up. Give them a go.

Check out Landmann’s Grill Academy with Chefs for Foodies

Chefs For Foodies