Although St George’s own heritage may lie beyond our own fair isle, it’s only fair that we celebrate the fine fellow’s contribution to good old England with some good old English fare. And Kensington’s Park Terrace Restaurant is holding a fayre to do just that. Let’s hope the weather’s set fair. Okay, I’ll stop now.

The week-long festival branches out to Britain beyond her English extremities. Over five sublime suppers, Park Terrace plans to showcase our country’s top-notch produce and the artisans behind it. The evenings will kick off with a plot-to-plate masterclass hosted by a selection of suppliers, fuelling the appetite for the six-course feast which follows. 

There’ll be nowt fishy about James Knight of Mayfair’s authorative demo on sustainable seafood. Elsewhere, diners can feast on the lore and legend of Cheddaring with James Mongomery; ogle Organics with Sharpham Park; learn why deer is so dear to the Denham Estate’s heart; or – holy cow – watch master butcher Steve Turton break down a side of beef.

From starter through to pud, Head Chef Steve Munkley will be purveying platters to bring home all that’s brilliant about British produce. All meals will be paired with complimentary tipples so, in just celebration of our home-grown riches, raise your glass of English wine or real ale proudly aloft.

  • The masterclasses take place from Monday 22nd – Friday 26th April from 6.30pm and are priced at £59 pp, to include the presentation and six-course dinner.
  • On Saturday 27th April the six-course menu is available from 6.30pm – 10.30pm, at £50 pp (no masterclass).
  • For more information and to book, visit