The box is fantastic, a piece of engineering that radiates quality and care in construction and with one of those little magnet locks that I, at least, always find delightful. It’s premium packaging that’s for sure.

The London Box, as it is called, is by Chris Labrooy  and is a limited edition sushi box from a man renowned as a 3D maestro and only available this autumn from the premium sushi people, the French chain, SushiShop. So we were delighted to have one turn up on our doorstep courtesy of SushiShop one lunchtime this week. A free lunch is always welcome and our diet of pork pies and crisps is one that can always do with lifting to more healthy heights now and then.

Opening the box is like taking the lid off a box of chocolates, the colours and variety immediately got oohs and aahs from the people gathered round. The box has 36 pieces and two hand rolls and is almost too pretty to disturb. Well, almost. Let’s see what we have.

2 Veggie Californian hand rolls

6 Tuna and Truffle California Rolls

6 London Spring rolls

6 Salmon rolls

6 Cooked tuna and apple

6 Salmon and avocado California rolls

4 Salmon sushi

2 Teriyaki salmon sushi

I don’t know how many it’s supposed to serve. Just me was my opinion, but I was called a lot of rude names and forced to share. Five people in all dived in and no one felt the need for a pork pie chaser after, but other people’s appetite mileage may vary.

Every piece was delicious, still slightly chilled from delivery. There was also in the box chopsticks, soy sauce, wasabi and pickled ginger.

The London Spring rolls had tuna tartare and prawn tempura inside, which all went down very well while the tuna and truffle was particularly popular. Everything radiated freshness and care in creation.

Now all this comes at a price, £45 to be precise. Sushi is however never cheap, or if it is, then suspect the worst. Quality fish is pricey.

You can of course order from the delivery menu, a thing literally of beauty and printed on very fine stock and also visible on line at