Fabulous BBQ bun recipes from Carr’s Flour, ideal for celebrating National BBQ Week from the 4th-10th July and throughout the rest of Summer!
Elevate your BBQ offering with freshly-baked on-trend Brioche Burger Buns and Soft Brioche Hot Dog Rolls, as well as Sesame Seed Topped Burger Buns and Traditional Hot Dog Rolls to help to inspire people to switch things up and bake their BBQ favourites at home.
Great for making with children, both the traditional white rolls and the brioche recipe pair perfectly with your favourite burgers and sausages, so each bite is filled with BBQ goodness and the satisfaction of making your own bread!
The simple recipes use Carr’s Plain and Strong White Flours, available from the Carr’s Flour online shop.
Carr’s Flour has been producing a range of premium quality flours from their mills for nearly 200 years. They are firm favourites amongst artisan bakers right through to home cooks.
Brioche Burger Buns
Makes 12 at 70g per bun

400g Carr’s Strong White Flour
50g Carr’s Plain flour
1tsp salt
1 packet fast action yeast (7g)
2 tbsp sugar
35g butter
1 egg + 1 for eggwash
50ml whole milk
230ml warm water
- In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, dried yeast, salt and sugar.
- Rub in the butter until a breadcrumb consistency is achieved.
- In a small jug, beat together the egg and milk.
- Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients, add in the egg and milk and start to bring together whilst gradually adding the warm water to form a soft dough. It will be quite sticky at this stage so don’t panic.
- Tip the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 8-10 minutes until smooth and springs back when poked.
- Pop the dough back into its bowl, cover with cling film and leave to prove for 1-2 hours in a warm place until doubled in size.
- Knock back the dough, tip out onto your worksurface and knead lightly to form a smooth ball then divide the dough into 12 equal portions (70g each).
- Using the palm of your hand and your thumb, shape the dough portions into smooth domes and place onto lined baking trays (1 large or 2 small as they will grow).
- Cover the trays loosely with cling film and leave to prove for an hour to double in size again.
- 45 minutes into the second proving, preheat the oven to 200°C (fan) and place a shallow baking tray on the oven floor.
- Once the buns have fully proved, beat the glazing egg with 1 tsp water and a pinch of salt then brush it onto the buns.
- Throw a few ice cubes or a splash of cold water onto the hot tin on the oven floor to create steam, then bake the buns for 15-18 minutes, until golden and their bases sound hollow when tapped.
- Cool the buns on a cooling rack.
- To serve, slice in half, brush with olive oil then toast lightly before filling with a burger and toppings.
To make brioche hot dog rolls:
Follow steps 1-7 as above, then:
- Shape the dough into smooth domes, pinching together any seams and ensuring they are on the underside. Then, using the base of your palm, working the dough out from the centre, lightly roll into an oblong/baguette shape (approx. 10 cm long). Place onto lined baking trays (1 large or 2 small as they will grow). You can cook the rolls next to each other, so that when baked they pull apart – just be sure to leave a 1-2cm gap between them on the tray to give them room to prove/grow.
Continue to follow steps 9-14 as above.
Traditional Burger Buns
Makes 12 @70gper bun

500g Carr’s Strong White Flour
1 packet fast action yeast (7g)
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
30g butter, softened
250ml warm water
50ml milk + extra for brushing on top
Sesame seeds
- In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, yeast, sugar and salt.
- Rub in the butter until a fine crumb consistency is achieved.
- Combine the warm water and milk in a jug.
- Make a well in the centre of the dry mix, pour in the water and milk and bring together to form a dough.
- Tip the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 minutes until the dough is soft and springs back when poked.
- Return the dough to the mixing bowl, cover with cling film and leave in a warm place for 1-2 hours until double in size.
- When the dough is ready, knock it back, knead it lightly and then divide it into 12 equal portions (70g each).
- Using the palm of your hand and your thumb, shape the dough portions into smooth domes and place onto lined baking trays (1 large or 2 small as they will grow).
- Cover the trays loosely with cling film and leave to prove for an hour to double in size again.
- 45 minutes into the second proving, preheat the oven to 180°C (fan) and place a shallow baking tray on the oven floor.
- Once the buns have fully proved, brush them with a little milk and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
- Throw a few ice cubes or a splash of cold water onto the hot tin on the oven floor to create steam, then bake the buns for 18-20 minutes, until lightly golden and their bases sound hollow when tapped.
- Cool the buns on a cooling rack.
- To serve, slice in half, toast lightly and fill with a burger and toppings.
To make traditional hot dog rolls:
Follow steps 1-7 as above, then:
- Shape the dough into smooth domes, pinching together any seams and ensuring they are on the underside. Then, using the base of your palm, working the dough out from the centre, lightly roll into an oblong/baguette shape (approx. 10 cm long). Place onto lined baking trays (1 large or 2 small as they will grow). You can cook the rolls next to each other, so that when baked they pull apart – just be sure to leave a 1-2cm gap between them on the tray to give them room to prove/grow.
Continue to follow steps 9-14 as above.
All recipes shared belong to Carr’s Flour, you can find out more information on their website. The full range is available to order from their online shop.